Building a Solid Foundation with Your “Shopping Annuity”

A Shopping Annuity is a way to turn shopping into earning. It is leveraging the current product purchases that you and your family make everyday in your home and life and turn it into ongoing earnings. It all begins when you open your own Unfranchise® Business with SHOP.COM powered by Market America.

Your decision to become an Unfranchise® Owner to gain control of your financial future through the Management Performance Compensation Plan positioned you to access hundreds of high quality Market America (MA) Branded products with Business Volume (BV) values at discounted prices and millions of additional products and services through SHOP.COM to earn cash back  and Incentive Business Volume (IBV). Our business begins by building belief in yourself, your products, the business plan and the team around you. The belief comes with time, by using the MA products , shopping online at SHOP.COM/your business and doing the Unfranchise® Business through implementing the Basic five.

The easiest way to begin, is for YOU to become a product of the product, and create a shopping annuity in your own home. Start by taking the Home Shopping list code #671 , or it can be found in your Unfranchise® Back Office under downloads, or in the newest getting started guides. Simply check off the products that you currently use in your home (non branded MA products in this case are referred to as the negative products) and replace your current brand (negative product) with your own business brand of that product from MA .

It may take 30-90 days to make the complete implementation of the MA Shopping Annuity but it is something that has to be done to create the business success you have determined. You will save money, and create BV that will generate commission checks from your business. Move to do this with every UFO on your current team and make it part of the start up process for every new UFO you partner with in the business. Before you know it, the shopping annuity program implemented through out your team will create every distributor commissions faster. Especially as you continue to grow your organization and place volume downward in your personally sponsored UFOs.

Remember to also go to your SHOP.COM/your name site and create an online easy to access “My List” for products that are not available through MA that you purchase on a regular basis. It is so customer friendly and allows you to create one or a variety of custom lists for fast access .

The shopping annuity is the first step that everyone can implement in building a solid foundation for a profitable and ongoing business. Remember to stay focused and stay the course.
