Contest Announcement: SHOP.COM Trends for the Holidays!

We had so much fun with our recent MyList contest that we decided to follow it up with another exciting opportunity to learn about a special SHOP.COM feature while entering to win a SHOP.COM gift card! Introducing… the SHOP.COM Trends Holiday Contest!

Now through January 10th, we invite you to visit the SHOP.COM Trends shop and create a holiday trend for your chance to win a gift card to start the New Year off right! Here are the details on how to enter (for full terms & conditions click here):

1. Create a Trend that features your favorite holiday apparel for men, women or kids! (Sample Trend HERE by Amber Ridinger McLaughlin.)

2. Complete your Trend and add the tag #contest2013. This will allow us to count your Trend as an official contest entry.

3. Share your Trend via your favorite social media sites and encourage your friends & family to like your Trend on SHOP.COM.

The Trend with the most likes on SHOP.COM at the close of the contest time will win a $50 SHOP.COM gift card and the creator will have his or her Trend featured on our site! If you’re unsure how to use the Trend shop, watch the tutorial on the contest information page for tips on how to get started. It’s a fun, visual way to share your favorite products!

Take note! We are also duplicating this contest for the United Kingdom… so if you shop on UK.SHOP.COM you can learn more about entering the contest by clicking here.

We can’t wait to see the Trends you share with us and we’ll be featuring some of our favorites on our social media sites for the duration of the contest. To get started, CLICK HERE, and comment below with any questions!
