Daily Deals Now on SHOP.COM!

Marc Ashley brought the crowd to their feet in Miami when he went over the many new features coming to SHOP.COM over the next several month. Bit by bit, the new features are being unveiled and enhancing the e-commerce experience that is sweeping the world.

As of this week, one of our new favorite features is live: Daily Deals!

Daily Deals are one more way that SHOP.COM gets you the best bang for your buck. Every day, SHOP.COM will feature limited time offers of special products and features at ground breaking prices. The deals do have a timer and we cannot guarantee they will not sell out before the timer runs out, so act quick!

Daily Deals are located on the right hand side of the SHOP.COM homepage:

Click the Daily Deals image and find all the details on products and stores that are giving you amazing savings.

Get ready to change your morning routine by checking SHOP.COM every day to see what you can get for a major steal. Daily Deals are perfect opportunities to steer people to your portal on a regular basis and expose your business!

How excited are you for Daily Deals! What do you think will be the next new feature?!