Dressing for Success

Living the life of an entrepreneur means you make the rules. You decide the when, where and why for your business, and chances are, that’s probably why you started your own business. However, just because you’re the boss doesn’t mean you don’t have to play by some of the rules.

Take attire for example. You might not have a dress code to follow from a corporate handbook, but you should consider your attire and appearance when meeting potential business partners and customers.

Several factors come in to play when you are meeting someone to talk about the UnFranchise® Business. Have you met them before? Where are you meeting them? Is a business partner coming with you? Are they already a Preferred Customer?

If this is your first meeting with them, remember first impressions are important. Dress professionally—business suit or slacks, dress or skirt. If this is your second or third meeting, you might want to consider something more casual depending on the situation.

While baggie shirts and holey jeans might be your go-to outfit for when you’re working around the house, this is not appropriate attire for meeting a business prospect. What’s more, you should also dress semi-professionally whenever you leave the house. You never know who you might meet running errands or at the grocery store. Remember, everyone is a prospect, and you’re much more approachable dressed as a business professional than the average bum.
