Internet Marketing Tips – Twitter Tips

Many of you have been asking about the basics of using Twitter and some of the Twitter tags you’ve seen posted around. Here are a few helpful tips for those just getting into using Twitter, a powerful social networking tool, which you can now connect with your maChatterbox account!

What is Twitter:

Twitter is a micro-blogging tool where you write short messages (up to 140 character) to other people that are on Twitter.

Why should you use Twitter:

Messages written in Twitter are indexed in real-time. This means that if you’re writing about something that is detailed, your keywords help bring your message to the top and help get people to your website!

How do I sign-up:

To sign-up for a Twitter account, visit

What are followers:

On Twitter, followers are people that are ‘following’ your Tweets.

What does it mean when I am following someone:

Following someone means that you want to get their updates. Here are a few people you should be sure to follow on Twitter.

What is a tweet:

A tweet is when you write a message on Twitter. When you write a message, you can say that you are tweeting something out!

What can I include in a tweet:

Tweets can include photos links, video links and website links.

Using the @ sign:

By putting the @ sign, you are directing a tweet (see above) back to a certain person that is on Twitter.  A person’s Twitter name can be found at the end of their Twitter address.


What does a tweet look like:

Ex: @marketamerica the maBlog looks great. much easier to navigate

What does RT mean:

RT means re-tweet something. By adding this to your tweet, you are encouraging others to tweet out something you posted to their followers.

Ex: RT @marketamerica just posted a great video tutorial on maNetwork for Facebook

What is that # thing:

When people include the # sign in their tweet, this is called a hashtag. It is a great means for connecting tweets together.

Ex: RT @marketamerica just posted a great video tutorial on maNetwork for Facebook #marketamerica

If you want a great example of how this works, visit and enter #marketamerica in the search box — #marketamerica will be highlighted and you can see what other people are posting about marketamerica as a hashtag. You can apply this to your own business by including the #marketamerica on your own tweets or by creating your own hashtag.

If you’ve got questions on learning Twitter lingo, please email me at with your specific questions.

Christian Karasiewicz
Internet Marketing Manager
