It’s Here! Market America Launches the Emerging Markets Program!

As we promised at MAIC 2012 in August, Market America has officially launched a new Emerging Markets Program! You can now sponsor distributors and grow your UnFranchise® business in five new markets! We will be covering this program more in detail at the World Conference next week, but here’s a snap shot in the meantime.

In a globally connected world, internet technology and social media erases the boundaries that geography and language draw, as we are able to meet new people and create new friendships online every day. Business building, on the other hand, happens a bit slower. The Emerging Markets Program (EMP) is a simple, streamlined process that enables you to expand your business into new markets.

With the initial launch of the EMP, Market America will expand into Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Columbia, Ecuador and Spain, later planning to add additional EMP countries such as New Zealand, Singapore, and Philippines. Each EMP country is tied to an existing “market” country for the purposes of BV and the products they have access to. For example, all of the countries in Central and South America are tied to North America (United States, Canada and Mexico). EMP UnFranchise® Owners in Central and South America generate BV is credited to the same bank as USA/CAN/MEX UnFranchise® Owners, and they will have access to nearly all of the North American products. EMP countries in Europe (i.e. Spain) will have access to the products that are available in the United Kingdom and generate BV that is credited in the same bank as a United Kingdom UnFranchise® Owner.

The EMP business model is a streamlined version of the UnFranchise® Business with sole focus on Market America branded products earning BV and referral. EMP UnFranchise® Owners’ UnFranchise® Business Accounts ( provides the necessary functionality and tools to effectively develop and manage their businesses.  Each EMP UnFranchise® Owner will be provided a GLOBAL.SHOP.COM website when it is officially launched.

Details related to the EMP program as well as the new ‘Partner Now/Waiting Room’ will be provided at the upcoming World Conference, so you better have your flight and hotel booked!

