Keep Your Family Healthy This Summer!

Getting ready for some family fun this summer? We have gathered four simple tips you need to protect the well-being of everyone in your family – including your pet! Follow this guide to make sure everyone stays healthy during your summer adventures!

Healthy Menu – Most of the time, people tend to skip breakfast and replace meals with candy bars and late night snacks. You can help your family make healthier choices by providing a variety of healthy snacks and serving meals at the appropriate times. Instead of sugary sweets, pack your children’s lunch with an apple or some baby carrots for healthier eating. It’s also important keep your kitchen food-borne-illness-free. Wash your hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds before preparing any food!

Be Active – Instead of spending hours in front of the TV, on the computer, or playing video games, encourage your family to spend time outside while the weather is nice. Go on hikes and walks or just spend time at the park with your children and pets! Exercise will give you extra energy that you and your family need throughout the day as well as keep your immune system strong for when it needs to battle sickness.

Get Vaccinated – Your doctor reminds you every year to get your family vaccinated against the flu, but did you know that’s not the only vaccine out there that can help you prevent sickness? Other vaccines like HepA, HepB and Tdap are also crucial, especially if you have younger children. Keep in mind that vaccines are not only for your children but for you and your partner as well to keep the entire family healthy and strong!

Wash Your Hands – This one goes without saying, but you would be surprised at how many people don’t enforce this habit!  Washing your hands is hands-down the best way to keep germs from spreading. If you’re not near a sink after using the bathroom or before eating, you can always carry a hand sanitizing gel with you to keep your hands clean at all times.

What simple steps will you be taking to make your home healthier for you and your children?
