Market America launches redesigned homepage

Last week, I shared with everyone a sneak peek of Market America’s redesigned homepage that would be released later in July. Today’s the day!

The new Market America homepage is now live! The newly redesigned homepage adds in a number of notable enhancements that should make searching, shopping and earning cashback with Market America even easier.

Take a moment and give the newly redesigned Market America web portal a test-drive and let us know what you think!

Personally, not only is the website a whole lot cleaner and more organized, but it feel’s a lot snappier  as well. I’ve included a list of enhancements to the new homepage.

Sneak peek of the redesigned Market America homepage

Market America homepage enhancements:

  • Shop All Departments now in a dropdown menu
  • Market America brands now listed in a dropdown menu
  • My List feature added (details coming soon)
  • Viewing history added
  • New footer
  • More Services menu item added
    • GoNow Mail
    • ma TV
    • Isotonix Custom Cocktail
    • Gene SNP
    • Movie Showtimes
    • Driving directions
    • Nutri-Physical
    • Transitions Lifestyle System
    • Market America Mastercard
    • News
    • Weather
    • ma Messenger
    • Celebrity Corner
  • Footer section added to include:
    • About Us
    • Your Account
    • ma Cashback
      • What is ma Cashback
      • How to earn cashback
      • Check your balance
    • Personal Links
    • News categories
    • Services

Take a moment and test out the new shopping experience (maybe even try out the EZ-Cart while you’re at it)!

Let us know what you think about the newly redesigned Market America homepage? We want your feedback, so be sure to leave a comment!