Organizing New Contacts with Mobile PRM

The holidays are a busy time for shopping and we’ve certainly covered that here on the blog lately. But the holidays are also a prime time to meet new contacts at holiday parties and gatherings. Heading off to an holiday alumni event at your alma mater? Meeting your husband’s extended family for the first time? There are plenty of opportunities to network at the holidays! With Mobile Prospect Relationship Management (PRM), you can easily keep track of everyone new you meet!


Mobile PRM helps you to organize, prospect, and recruit as you work to build your UnFranchise Business. When you gain a new contact, simply enter them into your account using your mobile phone or computer. Answer some simple questions about them including phone number, email, and their interests. You’ll have an individual profile for each contact. As you get to know your contacts better, there’s even room for additional information about family and other interests.

As you move through your contacts and schedule initial phone calls and meetings, Mobile PRM helps you to keep track of their status. With guided suggestions, take each prospect through the process from initial contact all the way to becoming a customer or a shop consultant.

Mobile PRM can also be used to plan emails and specific marketing campaigns. It does the work for you by providing templates and other helpful features! Sending mass messages to your contact list has never been easier.

The holidays are a busy time to balance your professional life with your social life. Let the Mobile PRM help you to stay organized and on track while you enjoy this time of the year. Do you take advantage of the Mobile PRM and its many great functions? How has it changed the way you do business?

