Six Ways to Make the Most of Your Weekend

We’ve all been guilty of “working for the weekend” at one point or another, but when you have your own business, you may find yourself needing to work on the weekends. It can make it challenging to balance the requirements of successful entrepreneurism with the demands of daily life. Combining a relaxing weekend with a productive schedule is easier than you might think. Just keep these simple points in mind to maximize your weekend. 


  • Don’t ditch your schedule. Sleeping in may seem like a simple luxury, but it has its drawbacks. Sleeping late can leave you drowsy all day, and make you feel like you’ve wasted your day. Sticking to your weekday routine will ensure that you have plenty of time to work and play.
  • Get organized. Making a list makes a difference. It can help you prioritize tasks and reinforce productivity with a rewarding sense of accomplishment. Checking items off your list helps you make sure no task is forgotten.
  • Start with work. Whether it’s housework or business work, beginning your day by completing even one task can set the tone for the rest of your weekend. It also gets work out of the way, so you can focus on relaxation when you’re ready.
  • Make time for fun. Everyone needs to recharge, so make sure your weekend includes fun activities, whether it’s with friends, family or both. Don’t let your weekend be completely buried in work, or you’ll start the week unmotivated.
  • Don’t multi-task. It makes it harder to complete tasks, and can actually make them take longer. You can get more done in less time if you focus on each item, one at a time.
  • Take care of yourself! The weekend may seem like the perfect time to indulge your sweet tooth, but sugary snacks and high-fat munchies can leave you drained.  A healthy diet and exercise routine, paired with supplements for support, will keep you going strong all day long.

The weekend is well-known for being a time to play, but it’s an extremely good time to work on creating your own success. With the right motivation and determination, you could be working for yourself full-time – so you never have to wait for a weekend again. Want some more tips? Check out what Loren Ridinger has to say about the creating productivity while working from home. And don’t miss out on this top productivity tip!

How do you stay charged up to build your business on the weekend? Comment below and tell us!
