Social Media Monday: Market America Products Are a Hit on Social Media!

If you’re a fan of Market America products, chances are you’re going to LOVE following them on social media! Here’s a breakdown of which social media sites you can find our products on, as well as the type of updates you can expect to see once you start following them.

Motives® by Loren Ridinger
You don’t have to be a beauty expert to follow Motives® on social media! Check out their Facebook page for fun beauty tips, product how-tos, and even some inspiring quotes to help you start your day off right! Motives® is very active on Pinterest, so if you love to pin, head on over to their page to check out their most popular pin boards! Have a question about a product, or want to share a cool makeup tip you learned with the Motives team? Tweet all that and more to our Motives department; they love engaging with fans and interacting with other beauty fanatics!

  • Like Motives® on Facebook here
  • Follow Motives® on Twitter here
  • Follow Motives® on Instagram here
  • Follow Motives® on Pinterest here
  • Watch the Beauty MeetON channel here

If you love health and nutrition tips, cool product facts, giveaways, and – most of all- Isotonix® products, you will LOVE following them on social media! There’s never a dull day on the Isotonix® Facebook page, and their Twitter page is packed full with health news and fitness info! Head on over to their blog to get useful facts about products in the Isotonix® line, updates on industry research and news, and tons of helpful information about the health conditions and concerns the products are designed to treat. And last, but not least, make sure to check out their MeetON channel for live meets and prerecorded videos that discuss a wide-range of health-related topic (it’s free to watch, so what are you waiting for?)

  • Like Isotonix® on Facebook here
  • Follow Isotonix® on Twitter here
  • Read the blog here
  • Watch the Health & Nutrition MeetON channel here

If you’re a health professional, nutraMetrix® consultant, or just love everything about the health industry, make sure that you’re following nutraMetrix®! Check out their MeetON channel to learn about nutraMetrix® products from our health professionals, follow them on Twitter for industry-related news, and like them on Facebook for healthy tips, inspirational photos, and some health facts!

  • Watch the nutraMetrix® MeetON channel here
  • Like nutraMetrix® on Facebook here
  • Follow nutraMetrix® on Twitter here

TLS® Weight Loss Solution
Whether you’re participating in the TLS® Find Your Fit Challenge, or just doing your best to take care of your health, the TLS® social media pages are a great place to start! Follow them on Twitter for fitness and nutrition info that will keep you on track and help you reach your goals. Visit them on Facebook when you’re looking for a dose of “fit-spiration”, a tasty new TLS Shake recipe, or ideas to crank up your workout routine. If you’re a foodie looking for some “TLS Coach-Approved Meal Ideas”, check out their Pinterest page for tons of mouth-watering (and tummy-tightening) recipes! And – whatever you do – don’t miss out on all the awesome content they publish on their blog!

  • Like TLS® on Facebook here
  • Follow TLS® on Twitter here 
  • Follow TLS® on Pinterest here 
  • Read the TLS® Blog here
  • Watch the TLS® MeetON channel here

Lumière de Vie™
Healthy skin is in, and the Lumière de Vie™ Facebook page is a huge hit with fans of all ages – and skin types! Like their page and be the first to know about new product testimonials, before and after photos, helpful product facts you can share with your customers, and tons of eye-catching content you can’t help but share on your own profile!

  • Like Lumière de Vie™ on Facebook here 

The Fixx™ social media channels are the perfect way to get your skin-care and hair-product – ahem –fix! Check out their Facebook page for tons of hair-styling tips, tricks, and helpful product how-to’s. Keep an eye on the conversation happening on their Twitter page, and feel free to tweet them with product questions and hair-care concerns. Whatever your hair or skin woe may be, they’ll be able to help you out and find a way to Fixx™ it! Alright, enough with the puns already! Moving on…

  • Like Fixx™ on Facebook here 
  • Follow Fixx™ on Twitter here 

Home and Garden
Are you a fan of Snap™, PetHealth™, Globalcare™, Autoworks™, and PureH20™? Then you’re going to love the Market America Home and Garden social media pages! Check out their Facebook page for fun product facts and helpful tips and tricks for using these products around the house. If Twitter is more your style, then check out their home and garden tips and tweets for around-the-house how-to’s.

  • Like Market America Home & Garden on Facebook here 
  • Follow Market America Home & Garden on Twitter here

Now it’s your turn! Which product pages do you follow? Do you have suggestions for content or questions about the pages you would like to ask us? Post them in the comment section below!
