TLS Weight Loss Solution starts MAWC2013 with Big News, Big Money

TLS Weight Loss SolutionThursday was a big day for TLS Weight Loss Solution at Market America 2013 World Conference. Really big.

More than $30,000 was awarded to the winners of the TLS Find Your Fit Fall Challenge 2012, and the new Spring 2013 Challenge was introduced, which will award $75,000 to those who are looking to Find Their Fit.

Meredith Garofalo of Sarasota, Fla. — who lost more than 18 pounds, dropped eight inches from her waist and lost 6% body fat during the 12-week Fall Challenge — was awarded the first place individual prize of $5,000. Webster, NY, residents Jason Democker and John Cittadino, who lost a combined 75.5 pounds in 12 weeks, were recognized as the group winners and received $25,000.

Garofalo, an on-air talent for a local television station in Florida, was motivated not by money, but by her appearance on camera. One particular viewer wrote a scathing email to her that made her “re-watch the broadcast” :

I was shocked: I did not like what I saw. [And] I realized I needed help because NOTHING I tried in the past worked. I now look at myself in the mirror and beam, knowing that my hard work has paid off. Emails and social media messages flooded in from friends and viewers, shocked at my transformation, but also inspired to find their own fit and follow in my footsteps.

And Finding Your Fit just got even more lucrative. The new TLS Find Your Fit Spring Challenge 2013, which officially begins on March 1, will award $75,000, including:

  • $50,000 to the winning team
  • $15,000 to the winning individual

Participants can register either as individuals or as groups of two or more. Registration for the upcoming Challenge is already underway and closes on February 28.

“Take your pledge to get fit and get paid,” Director of TLS Lydia Martinez said. “It takes energy, it takes stamina, it takes focus to be successful at anything. This is a great way to do it.”

For more details and to register for the TLS Find Your Fit Spring Challenge 2013, or for more information about TLS Weight Loss Solution, visit
