3 Ways to Kick Start Productivity after the Holidays

Welcome back from the holidays! Trying to get back into a festive-less routine is sometimes as stressful as the entire chaotic holiday season! We’re sharing with you what helps to get us back into the post-holiday swing of things:


  • Make a schedule. Start with the big picture by writing a monthly calendar. Take a look at your months ahead and pencil in any events, training seminars, and of course, MAWC2013 at the start of February! After you get an idea for what your months looks like, look closely at your weeks. Make a list of activities you plan on making time for and block out the hours. After you finish your weekly calendar, look closely at your days and then at your to-lists. Before you know it, you managed all of your time!
  • Make a budget. The holidays tend to put a dent into your bank account. Whether you gifted to a large family or friends, hosted a party, or donated to charity, you undoubtedly spent more during the holiday season than a normal month. Veering from our spending routines makes it difficult to readjust and not continue to overspend. Look at your current balance and analyze your projected income. Make a schedule for any upcoming payments and draw a limit for static expenses, such as groceries. If any of your New Year’s resolutions cost money, factor the expenses into your budget so that you stay on track and don’t give up.
  •  Take a day off. Maybe you ran out of vacation time and are busy playing catch up, so this seems like a crazy suggestion, but the point is to make use of your days off. Rather than chasing work and running errands all weekend in an effort to stay on top of your to-do list, take time off so that your body and mind will recharge. Use your days off to create to-do lists and tweak your calendars. Down time plays an essential role in creating optimal organization and efficiency levels optimal, which we think is GREAT news!

Bonus: The New Year is the perfect time to revamp your technological work space, so don’t forget these apps to help manage your life and grow your business!


What helps you kick start productivity? Do you have tips for getting organized? Tell us below!
