5 Questions with Supervising Coordinator Jim Dwyer

From the world-class products to our incredible business plan, there are many things that make Market America stand out as a company – but what really makes us special is our people.

While we all join the business to ultimately make money, the personal connections we form and the friendships we make are equally important.

We caught up with Supervising Coordinator Jim Dwyer to find out more about his experiences with Market America, and why he is a big believer in becoming a “Friendship Farmer.”


How long have you been with Market America and what inspired you to become an UnFranchise® owner?

I started my UnFranchise business in November of 1995. I decided to leave my VP position in a financial services company because of our MCPC. Once I saw the plan, I knew that Market America had a better way to create financial independence for anyone who truly wanted it.

How have you seen things change since you’ve been with the company?

Where do I start! We didn’t have a web portal so imagine running your business without that. Our back office was a fraction of what it is today. There were no “celebrity” endorsements, heck we didn’t have half the products we have today! I’m glad I was here near the beginning but the MA of today is a bigger, faster, smarter company than the one I partnered with back in 1995.

Who helped you get started in the business?

Charlie Baer is my personal sponsor and he certainly helped me in the beginning. I had had some moderate success in an MLM company prior to joining MA so when I decided to make the leap I was able to hit the ground running. Within a month of my start date I was doing my own meetings and holding my own trainings. I figured if there was going to be an “MNTSS” in our area, we were going to have to start it ourselves.

What words of encouragement/advice would you give those just starting in the business?

What I tell all our new partners is that they need to become “Friendship Farmers”. We are looking for people who know how to plant the seed of friendship and then water and care for that seed until it grows into an incredible partnership. In order to be a profitable farmer you need lots of seed, so “TTP”, Talk To People! Everywhere you go and in everything you do, wear a smile, say hello, and talk to people. The right ones will talk back!

Market America is __________________ for me?

There are so many ways I could fill in this blank. The money I’ve made, the people I’ve meet and the friendships I enjoy. The free time to do the things I want or need to do. The opportunity to speak and train in front of thousands of fellow distributors and their guests – and of course our amazing products. So I guess I would have to say that Market America is an answer to a prayer for me. It was the best decision I have ever made in my life.
