A Day in the Life: Carin Roberts

No two UnFranchise® Owners are alike, and neither are their daily lives! If you’ve ever wondered how other UnFranchise Owners spend their time, when they build their business, or which activities they enjoy in their free time, you’re in luck! Today, we’re sharing what a day in the life of TLS Coach Carin Roberts is like. Read on to find out how Carin spends her days building her business and enjoying life as an entrepreneur. 

Most mornings I wake up between 7:30- and 8:00AM. I make my Isotonix® Cocktail, then I drink my MochaTonix™ while checking my email, Facebook and Instagram news feeds. I like to create and share motivational daily posts on my Facebook profile, the group page I manage for my TLS®/Wellness clients, and my team’s group page to share with my business partners.

Carin with her business partners at the North East Regional Convention

I am not a morning person by any means! I used to try to be, but when I heard someone say, “If you need to set an alarm, you weren’t done sleeping!” I decided to make it my goal to not have to wake up at 5AM for personal training sessions with my clients anymore. I also decided to look at my life and see what other things caused me to feel “dread,” like negative relationships, commitments, etc. and tried to eliminate them. YOU have a choice to create your own future!

Carin with husband Lee

My schedule is booked by the hour every day from 9AM until 10PM when I am home. I try to be done by 5PM at least 2 nights a week and most Sundays in order to spend time with my husband. I still work a lot of hours, but it does not seem like work. My days consist of personal training sessions with clients who are part of my TLS® program, meetings with potential clients who have various health challenges or people who want to lose weight. Calls and meetings with “Go Now” individuals or new partners on my team, three-way calls or face-to-face meetings with potential partners.

Carin, husband Lee, and daughter Brooke at Brooke's college graduation!

Barnes and Noble is my favorite place to hang out and meet up with people! At the beginning of each quarter, the first thing I do is plan out all my scheduled Market America meetings and events. Then I book Wellness 101’s, Find Your Fit overviews and Business Presentations, which I personally conduct at least two a month. I also have a leadership call with my “Go Now” partners every Tuesday night at 9PM to keep everyone moving forward.

Four years ago, my husband Lee and I went to a Moving Up Seminar in Baltimore, after which we made it our goal to be able to pay for our daughter, Brooke’s, college. We decided that we needed to divide and conquer. My husband focused on running our gyms and I focused on building our Market America business. Lee always tells people that he is, “working for today,” but that I am, ”working for our future.” Last May we were able to make that goal to pay for our daughters college a reality. It was a very emotional day for our whole family!

Carin with business partners at MAWC 2014 this past February.

As a Senior TLS® Trainer, I had the honor of traveling around the US and Canada the last 2 years mentoring TLS® Trainers and growing my business in the areas I trained. One of my goals with my business was to be able to travel more because I spent so many 12 hour days working in an office. I tell my partners to “grow where you want to go!” I spend a lot of time now in California and Georgia with my partners there and get to write off all of my trips.

The opportunities are endless with this business! I have met so many inspiring people and the personal growth I have experienced in the process has changed my life. It is such an amazing journey. I am so excited for what the future brings!

– Coach Carin Roberts

2012 TLS Trainer of the Year & 2011 TLS Coach of the Year

Certified nutraMetrix Consultant & Certified Personal Trainer

Owner of World Gym Fulton/Phoenix 
