A Day in the Life: David Redding

No two UnFranchise® Owners are alike, and neither are their daily lives! If you’ve ever wondered how other UnFranchise Owners spend their time, when they build their business, or which activities they choose to enjoy in their free time, you’re in luck! Today, we’re sharing what a day in the life of David Redding is like. Read on to find out how David spends his days building his business and enjoying life as an entrepreneur. 

Around 7 AM, I get up and take my morning Isotonix® cocktail and then go for a run. On my run, I like to listen to a Market America audio download. Then I’m off to my “Plan A” job as a chiropractor by 9 AM.

David with his family

As a chiropractor for over 21 years, I’ve been a strong proponent of wellness and supplementation. I can honestly say that I’ve had better results and more testimonials in the last 6 months being a nutraMetrix™ Health Professional than in the 21 years combined using products from numerous other competitors.

At lunch, I check Facebook, emails and messages and respond accordingly. Frequently, I post picture of a product on social media stating that, “I love the way I feel when I take this,” or share vague posts alluding to my “Plan B” to peak curiosity and get people to ask me questions. Every day I also make a point to communicate with my team via our group pages. After lunch in the afternoon, I continue to talk to patients about their health and what products may benefit them.

David & business partners share the nutraMetrix product line!

Last weekend (June 12th-14th), we had a nutraMetrix™ booth at the Parker Chiropractic Seminar in Charleston with Carl Eklund, Jodi Easton, and Dr Deedra Mason. This was a great experience and a fantastic opportunity for all of us to share nutraMetrix™ products with individuals who have not tried them before.

In the evening when I get home from work, I eat dinner and say hello to my family. On a typical week night I might host a webinar or TLS® class, do a presentation or attend a UBP. Presently, I am leading a 6×6 team, a program organized by Carl Eklund and Jodi Easton (Market America’s top earner Elizabeth Weber has also been involved in mentoring and establishing this program!). Before bed, I’ll go on Facebook again and share some more posts, communicate with others, and plan out upcoming events or appointments.

David with business partners at a Market America event

I have Tuesdays and Thursdays off from my chiropractor job and I am able to utilize that time to do some business building. Those days, I might have a lunch meeting or just get caught up on office work. On the weekends, I will present HBPs or attend other local events. However, I like having one day during the weekend that I can chill and get in some family time.

I try to attend every major Market America event as well as local events in the area. This past February, we went to World Conference, and one other person from my downline attended this event. For International Conference in August, I am aiming to have 10 from my downline attend!

David with Dennis Franks and business partners

I wouldn’t be where I am now without my team; I am incredibly thankful for them and their hard work, not to mention my awesome sponsor, Donna Hoy. In addition, I’m so grateful for my wife Kris, daughter Kiana and son Trevor for allowing me to put in extra work for the next couple of years so that I can give them a better future. My 23 year old step daughter, Erin, started her own UnFranchise Business last month and my 26 year old step son, Cody, will be joining soon as well. I am dedicated and motivated to build this business fast so my family can reap the rewards so we can go on awesome vacations and pay for their college educations. I was on the 45 year plan, now I am on the 12-18 month plan!
