A Day in the Life: Debbie Gauthier

No two UnFranchise® Owners are alike, and neither are their daily lives! If you’ve ever wondered how other UnFranchise Owners spend their time, when they build their business, or which activities they enjoy in their free time, you’re in luck! Today, we’re sharing what a day in the life of Debbie Gauthier is like. Read on to find out how Debbie spends her days building her business and enjoying life as an entrepreneur. 

I guess you could say I have somewhat of a morning routine, but in reality every day is a different adventure and none are ever quite the same! I typically wake up between 5-6am, and after my workout I start the day out with my Isotonix® cocktail and go through my emails. The rest of day is always a mix of business-related activities and doing things I enjoy; I am so fortunate to have so much flexibility on an everyday basis! Every day is mixed between networking events, coffee appointments, clients at my salon, showing the plan, TLS® coaching, meeting with doctors about nutraMetrix™, and Motives® overviews. My day is so different than a typical 9-5 work schedule; I’m constantly meeting new people, building relationships, and doing what I love.

Having such a flexible schedule means I set my own agenda and need to be disciplined about how I spend my time. I make sure to maintain a balance between work and personal life, and believe that time-management an essential component in building an UnFranchise Business. My schedule is a combination of appointments, phone calls, doing result-producing activities with business partners, and a little “me time.” Me time is usually working out, spending quality time with my family and closest friends, relaxing at a nice dinner, sitting on the beach or even boating on a beautiful sunny day.

Weeknights and weekends are never the same for me; between UBP’s, HBP’s, Wellness & Motives events, or 1 on 1’s, 2 on 1’s, I usually spend 3-4 nights a week building my business. Sunday is my day off to spend time with friends and family, but on Sunday evenings I make it a point to touch base with my team via our team phone call. Again, I truly believe life works best in balance.

I feel like no matter what I do or where I go, this business is now and always will be a huge part of me. Every day is filled with new possibilities, new people, new friendships and new opportunities. To reach my goals, I make sure to keep the funnel full, and truly listen to what the people around me really need.

Surrounding myself with like-minded, forward thinking, positive people is a huge part of what keeps me motivated and moving forward. Keeping positive people in my life that support me and encourage me has had a huge impact on my success. I have found amazing mentors in this business who continue to inspire me and challenge me to always take it to the next level.

As Kevin Buckman says, it’s all about selling the product, selling the business, and selling the education (tickets). Our team is more motivated than ever and I am so lucky to have such dedicated individuals as business partners. So far, this has been an amazing year, and I can’t wait to see what the second half of 2014 has in store for me. My goals are clear and I’m more excited today than when I first started!
