A Day in the Life: Derek Rosenbaum

No two UnFranchise® Owners are alike, and neither are their daily lives! If you’ve ever wondered how other UnFranchise Owners spend their time, when they build their business, or which activities they choose to enjoy in their free time, you’re in luck! Today, we’re sharing what a day in the life of Derek Rosenbaum is like. Read on to find out how Derek spends his days building his business and enjoying life as an entrepreneur.

I get up in the morning usually whenever my son Connor comes in and wakes me up, which is usually 6am or earlier sometimes. He is pedal to the metal from the instant his eyes open for the day, so I have to be ready to go instantly as well. I then head downstairs and make Isotonix® Custom Cocktails for myself and my wife Ali. Connor helps me make his “juice” of Isotonix Might-a-Mins and Isotonix OPC-3. By this time, my younger daughter Madeline has woken up and is downstairs with us. All the while, I have an audio playing on my phone so I can make sure to soak up something positive before the day really begins.  Then we make breakfast at our own pace and get ready for the day. There’s usually no rush to get out of the house by a certain time and I can enjoy breakfast and hot coffee with the family.

Derek enjoying time with his family

After breakfast, I usually head down to my home office and the first thing I do is post something positive, thought-provoking, relevant to business, or showing my lifestyle on Facebook and Twitter. I usually post things like this at least 2-3 times per day on Facebook and Twitter.  The posts are aimed at building interest in what I do with my UnFranchise Business and getting people to interact or ask questions or “spy” on me. We want people “spying” on us because eventually they will ask the magic question, “What do you do?” or “Can you show me what you do?”

I also have my own real estate appraisal business and I will do some work with that business throughout the day. It keeps me connected to a lot of business people, which is good because I’m not around as many people as I used to be when I had a 9-5 job that I went to every day.

Derek and his team taking time out to have fun together!

I set aside at least 3 nights a week to build the business, meaning: I block out 3 nights that I fill up with business overview webinars, one-on-one business overviews, follow-ups, events (HBP’s, UBP’s, etc.), and team corings/trainings. This way I know I’m showing at least one business overview per week and many times it is three or more overviews because of the efficiency of webinars. Then the other nights of the week and weekend I am completely free to spend with my wife Ali. I have an amazing team in my area that has done a phenomenal job of coordinating monthly UBP’s as well as a team corings twice per month. This keeps us all connected which is extremely important.

Derek's team is crazy for Awake Energy shots!

Once in a while I have to leave the house by 8AM for an appointment, and I am reminded of how crazy and stressful my morning commute used to be when I had to rush to be at work. Now I am actually able to enjoy an entire cup of coffee without having to throw it out or put it in a travel mug. When I have to take the kids to an appointment during the day, I don’t have to worry about taking time off from my job, which is a huge relief and a big weight lifted off my shoulders. I get to choose when I want to end my day, which at that point I will hang with my wife and kids, cook dinner and we all eat together.

The flexibility I have gained from working my UnFranchise Business from home is probably one of the biggest benefits of this business. I am able to arrange my schedule however I want so I can be with my wife and kids throughout parts of the day or the entire day. I also love being able to provide potential and existing business partners with the option of a daytime appointment, rather than just evening appointments. I am so fortunate to be able to have this lifestyle, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything!

