A Day in the Life: Elsi Pacheco

No two UnFranchise® Owners are alike, and neither are their daily lives! If you’ve ever wondered how other UnFranchise Owners spend their time, when they build their business, or which activities they enjoy in their free time, you’re in luck! Today, we’re sharing what a day in the life of Conquer Entertainment’s Elsi Pacheco is like. Read on to find out how Elsi spends her days building her business and enjoying life as an entrepreneur.

My day is so different than my friends who have a 9-5 job. I’m on the go pretty much 24/7, but I would not have it any other way. I wake up around 8am, and sometimes my day isn’t over until 10-11pm. The very first thing I do in the morning, even before I get out of bed, is check my phone for emails. These usually determine what kind of day I will have, based on how many emails I have by 8am – haha! Each morning, I make sure to make time to catch up with my 19 year old son before I start my long day. He is currently volunteering for The Red Cross and Bronx EMT, and I am fascinated with the stories he tells me about his day-to-day experiences.

Elsi conducting a UBP this past June in NYC.

When I first started out as an entrepreneur, I struggled a lot with balancing my schedule. I found that, in order to accomplish everything I wanted to, I needed to create a schedule and stick to it each and every day. I dedicate a minimum of 3 hours a day to catching up with my team and helping them build their business. I communicate with them a lot via our private Facebook groups, because I can catch up with several people at once, which helps a lot with time management.

I am so fortunate to be involved with organizing a majority of the Team Fat Joe meetings. This affords me the opportunity to sit in on trainings with amazing leaders like Fat Joe, Kevin Buckman, and Jim Winkler – just to name a few! Early on, I realized how important it is to lead by example and attend as many events with my business partners as possible in order to maintain momentum and expand my business. In addition to attending the meetings I organize for Team Fat Joe, I participate in business presentations or corings at least twice a week.

Working the red carpet at a recent event!

Most of my business partners, especially those who recently joined the business, balance building their UnFranchise with maintaining a full time job. Because of this, most of our meetings occur in the evenings. I like to use my weekends to really focus in on building the Conquer Entertainment side of my UnFranchise. This means that I use that time to bring prospects to Conquer Artist shows and events, showing them a great time while introducing them to the various business opportunities within the music industry.

I spend the majority of my free time with my family. When my friends or family are not around, I do a lot of my free-time activities on my own. Having such a crazy schedule means that my “downtime is quite frequently late at night when my friends and family are already in bed. This is one of the reasons why I love it when my close friends join Market America, because then I can spend more time with them!

Elsi with her pooch ‘Cody!’

My day is never, ever normal. Managing events means I’m constantly getting thrown curve balls, and my job is to know how to handle them. Sometimes I find myself working through lunch or dinner without taking a break, which isn’t healthy. Instead, I try to schedule at least one hour during the day to eat a healthy meal and spend time with my very best friend – my one-eyed dog Cody. During this time I like to squeeze in some exercise with him, like running in the park, or throwing the ball for him to fetch (over and over and over again…!). All in all, I love living my life as an entrepreneur, and I wouldn’t have it any other way!
