A Day in the Life: Leanne Vaillancourt

No two UnFranchise® Owners are alike, and neither are their daily lives! If you’ve ever wondered how other UnFranchise Owners spend their time, when they build their business, or which activities they choose to enjoy in their free time, you’re in luck! Today, we’re sharing what a day in the life of Leanne Vaillancourt is like. Read on to find out how Leanne spends her days building her business and enjoying life as an entrepreneur.

“My days are always different, but I never start off my day wondering, “What am I going to do?” Time management is so important, so when I wake up I already know which appointments and calls I need to make that day. Granted, sometimes things don’t always go according to plan, but I keep a running list of things I want to accomplish. No matter how many hours a week you’re working to build your UnFranchise® Business, it’s important to schedule time to build your business and do result-producing activities. Most of my business partners have full time jobs, so managing our time effectively is the key. I teach my partners how to fit building their UnFranchise Business into their day, like on their way to work, on their lunch break, and so forth.

Leanne is training for her 5th marathon!

I start every day off with my morning Isotonix® cocktail, which has been a part of my life for years. I do like getting up early and I think I have become accustomed to it because I am a Fitness Instructor. Some mornings I’m already up at 5:30am teaching a boot camp class, which I love. I am currently training for my fifth marathon so I like getting my work out in the morning to get the day going. Being in control of my time has always been important to me, so getting up for things that I enjoy brings a whole different view for the day.

After getting a workout in or teaching a boot camp class, my morning routine can vary from day to day. On the weekends I work as a server at a restaurant, which allows me to prioritize my time during the week and focus on my UnFranchise Business. I like to go to Starbucks or other local coffee shops to work. I find that these types of surroundings allow me to meet new people all the time.

Leanne & health-minded entrepreneurs at a Wine and Wellness Event

In the evenings I attend NMTSS events. Living in New Hampshire affords me the ability to attend business-building events in Massachusetts with my partners in that area. Training and learning from business leaders is so, so crucial to success, and I make it a point to encourage my business partners to attend training events with me. When I’m not attending NMTSS events at night, I’m usually hosting Wine and Wellness events, webinars, Motives® parties, and building in the homes.

Right now I am 100% about building my business. My daily goals are to book as many new appointments as possible, whether they’re for me or for my partners. I love what I do because I can build my business while helping other people reach their wellness goals and even establish an UnFranchise Business of their own.

My business is so intertwined into my life that, much of the time, I don’t even notice that I am actually building it. Every day I plant seeds, talk to people, and build relationships. Even if they don’t turn into customers or business partners, it’s so important to listen to them and respect where they are in their lives. You never know what could happen down the road, and maintaining positive relationships with the people you meet is key.

Leanne with business partners

I have a lot of new business partners, so one of my biggest priorities is duplication, booking their next steps, and making sure they’re on track. I stay in touch constantly with my Go Now business partners. My group is full of high-energy individuals who constantly set new goals for themselves, so I spend a lot of time strategizing their next steps on the phone with them. I also connect frequently with my mentors so I know that I’m on the right track and that I’m capitalizing on my team’s energy to keep the momentum going.

When it comes down to it, there are three main things that my business partners and I always keep in focus: selling products, selling tickets to the next event (selling education!), and selling the business. Regardless of what I’m doing, keeping those three things in focus ensures that everything I do has a positive effect on the growth of my business.”

