A Day in the Life: Steve Harris

Today marks the fourth week of new ma® blog series called “A Day in the Life.” Every week, we’ll publish a guest blog post featuring “a day in the life” of a different UnFranchise Owner. If there’s someone who YOU would like to see featured, let us know! But for now, check out our fourth “A day in the life” post featuring Executive Director Steve Harris!

Posted on behalf of Steve Harris.

I’m usually up by 5am every day – no alarm, I just wake up! I start off by taking 4 shots of Isotonix®, put a pot of coffee on and head over to my home office. There I map out my day, check my email and log into my Facebook account. My morning routine is so different from my friends who have a 9-5 job; their lives are ruled by alarm clocks, traffic, and deadlines!

I talk to at least one person a day about the Market America opportunity – 30 people a month! This keeps the funnel full of prospects so as to sponsor new people regularly. I expose the plan once a week, either by myself or by attending a UBP. I do NDT and Basic 5 trainings monthly, and ECCT trainings quarterly. The key to my success has been consistency; doing the same thing over and over again until I get the results I’m looking for. Almost 19 years!

I work on my business a little bit each day, usually nights and weekends, for about 12-15 hours a week. Also, I attend or lead up  trainings 1 or 2 Saturdays per month (NDTs, Basic 5s, and ECCTs, as well as acting as the guest speaker at Local Seminars across the country).

I make sure that each and every day I do something fun for me. This usually consists of looking at real estate, cars, or “playing” with a car that I already own. Today I’m looking at a Ferrari Convertible!

Thanks to Market America, I love my daily routine! I can’t believe what people who work a 9-5 job do for a living, and what they won’t do for a dream life. I have said to many people over the years: hang out with me for one day and I guarantee you will not want to go back to your job ever again! To this day, no one has taken me up on my offer, and I’m sure it’s because their boss wouldn’t give them the time off!

– Steve Harris, Executive Director
