A Special Holiday Message from Loren & JR

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone! We hope you all enjoyed a wonderful holiday with your families! The holiday season is a special time to pause and give thanks, and we’re thankful to be in business with such incredible Unfranchise® Owners. We believe in you and appreciate you – and know that big things are in store for all of us in the coming year.

We head into the New Year with a great deal of hope, and feel that 2013 will be a landmark year for our company. It’s all about dreams – and understanding that anything is possible when you BELIEVE! The holidays are about Life and Love – and that is our gift to you.

Check out this great slide show (just click on “Life” to start going through it) – as you prepare for an incredible year ahead. 2013 is the year we change the world as we become a global solution 2x2x2x2! It all starts with UnFranchise® Owners – and we believe in you and can’t wait to see you at World Conference in Miami! Just Do IT! Make it happen! Dream big, because you’ll never be bigger than your dreams!

Love, Light, Respect, Prosperity, and Success to you!

We believe in You.

-JR and Loren
