Before Building in a New Area, Consider This

Building your UnFranchise® business in a new area is not for the faint of heart. But if you’ve ever wondered if you have what it takes do build your business in a new area, ask yourself these questions first:

Are you an established UnFranchise® Owner with a proven track record?
It goes without saying that you must either be an established UnFranchise® Owner or working directly with established business owners. Either you or someone on your team you will be building in a new area with must have a track record of success. Ask yourself: do I go above and beyond every day to build my business, recruit new prospects, and sell my products? Do I have total confidence in my abilities and a proven track record? If that’s the case (or if you plan on working with someone like this), then you might be ready to build in a new area.

Are you able to visit the new area often?
Building in a new area means that you must physically be in that numerous times to provide the people in that area with the support and guidance they need. You cannot expect to visit a location once in a while and build your business “virtually”. To really get people to commit, you must show total commitment to your recruits and the success of their business.

Are you ready to act as the soul supporter and leader for the people in this area?
If there is no established NMTSS in the area, you will be THE person your recruits rely on to train them and help them build their business. Not only does your knowledge of the company and the business system have to be impeccable, but you must be able to use the tools provided to you to keep people on track.

Are you ready to build house to house?
When building in a new area, you must be ready to build house to house. You must be ready to sponsor kickoffs and product parties. You must be ready to “get your hands dirty” and work one-on-one with your new business partners. Now is not the time to take a hands-off approach! If you want them to dedicate themselves to the business, you must be 100% committed to them and their success, no ifs, ands, or buts.

And one more thing…

Guess what? If you’re building in your area or an already established area with NMTSS, you still have to do all of the above. Surprise! Aside from having to be an established UnFranchise® Owner with a proven track record, to build anywhere you must be committed to the success of your new business partners, build in the homes, and be knowledgeable of the business and the way the system works. Building virtually is not the ideal option because face-time with your business partners – old or new- is essential to your (and their) success.
