Don’t Miss Out! National Conference Call with Executive Director Big Al Yentsch and Guests on Sunday, February 24, 2013

You’ve got some of the best business-building tools and teachers available to you as an UnFranchise® Business Owner. Some of the best (four in fact!) will be on call this Sunday!

This Sunday, Market America is offering an opportunity to help your business grow over the holidays that you don’t want to miss – a national conference call with Executive Director, Million Dollar Club Member, and Advisory Council Member Big Al Yentsch and three other special guests: Bill Izer, Maria Constantine, and Ronnie Robinson.

Join Big Al Yentsch, Executive Director, Million Dollar Club Member and Advisory Council member and special guests: Bill Izer, Executive Director, Maria Constantine, National Supervising Coordinator and Ronnie Robinson, National Supervising Coordinator, as they bring in the new year ‘LIVE’ on the National  Conference Call! They will share with your team and your qualified prospects how to ‘Build the Team and Live the Dream’ in 2013. Listen to their excitement and positive focus on how you can make this New Year the best year of your life and truly achieve the success level with your Market America Unfranchise® business and SHOP.COM. Hear the newest updates from MA World Conference in Miami, FL and why you should plan now, focus and to put into motion your success in 2013. This is your year and you have nothing to fear in taking your Unfranchise Business to a personal level of success like never before. Don’t miss this urgent, exciting and powerful National Conference Call.

Sunday night – February 24, 2013 8:30 pm ET

Conference line:  212-461-5860 Pin 1314 #

National Conference Calls are great opportunities to help leverage the enthusiasm and knowledge business to help you grow your business. Take advantage of this great tool to get rolling this year! Calling in is free, and couldn’t be easier! Don’t miss out!

What do you hope to hear from Big Al & Co. this Sunday?

*The examples of income shown for each of the Independent Distributors featured in promotion are not intended to be representative of the earnings of any specific class of Market America Independent Distributors, nor are they intended to represent that any given Independent Distributor will earn income in that amount. Rather, the income figures testify to the results which have been accomplished by Independent Distributors who have devoted time, talent, hard work, and a willingness to follow the UnFranchise® proven business plan in building their Market America Businesses. The success of any Market America Independent Distributor will depend upon the amount of hard work, talent and dedication which he or she devotes to the building of his or her Market America business.
