DON’T MISS These Important Events in the UK!

It was great to see some of our UK team at World Conference last weekend! We’re proud of the strides they’ve been making to build the UK business that launched less than a year ago! If you’re in the UK, LISTEN UP! There are two essential events coming your way this month that will help you learn to grow your business like never before:

Executive Coordinator Certification Training, 16th February
Join Phil Guido, Field Vice President and Director of Field Operations and Field Development, for the first Executive Coordinator Certification Training in the UK! Register online and you’ll receive training materials prior to the event.

Please note that this training is required for all UnFranchise® Owners. To get full credit for this class, you must first take the New Distributor Training (NDT) and the Basic 5 Training (B5). Many of you have already taken the NDT and B5, but some have not yet had the opportunity. You can log in to your back office at and take the NDT and B5 training online for FREE before attending this event.

Saturday 16 February 2013 | 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Thistle Marble Arch Hotel, London
For more information, view the flyer: UK Executive Coordinator Certification Training


UnFranchise® Business Plan Presentation, 18th February
Phil Guido will be the featured speaker at an UnFranchise® Business Presentation in London. This is the perfect opportunity to introduce new prospects to the business and to familiarize them with the many ways that the UnFranchise® Business can work for them! For more details and tickets about this special event, please click here.

Monday 18 February 2013 | 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM
Thistle Marble Arch Hotel, London 
For more information, view the flyer: UK UnFranchise® Business Presentation

Know someone in the UK? Make sure to share this blog post with them via your social media sites!
