Five Essential Tools for Entrepreneurs

I think it was Andrew Carnegie who provided the timeless business advice: Always carry a lighter and a pen, someone will always need either (or both).  As the face of business has changed, so have the essential items that one needs to have on-hand to ensure their personal success. Here are the five most important:

1. A smart phone. You may have resisted the pressure to convert to a web-enabled, email-integrated device up to this point. You may feel you don’t need to be constantly tethered to technology (or the people using it). But in a society where decisions, connections and sales are made at lightning speed, being able to interact in real-time could easily be the difference between success and failure. Plus, what’s the beauty of being an entrepreneur if you can’t work on the beach on a Monday every now and then?  And while we’re on the subject, an iPad (or other tablet), while not necessarily essential, is really, really cool. See these 5 iPad apps for entrepreneurs.

2. Your contact information. Second only to the smart phone, a business card is the most important tool you can carry with you. Making sure that your information gets into the right hands, and that it is clear what you do (and easy to read) is paramount. Which leads me to the next essential tool:

3. A business card holder, or special pocket in your bag, or other very accessible place to store your cards, while also protecting them from frayed edges, fingerprint smudges, and creases. Not only do you want to present your clean, unfolded card with confidence (you wouldn’t wear a stained shirt to an interview, would you?) but you also want to avoid fumbling blindly for it. How often have you had the opportunity to give someone your card, and spent time searching for it, while they impatiently tap their foot or even worse, have to dash off to another commitment?

4. A fast, reliable home internet connection. This is a no-brainer. Again, business (and sales) happen at warp-speed. Your time is your most valuable asset, so why would you waste it waiting for files to download, or for emails to send, or for web pages to load? The time it takes you to post a link to an item in your portal could be the difference between someone buying something through your portal, and finding it elsewhere online.

5. A professional-looking outfit. Obviously, more than one would be great, but this is just the “essentials.” Whether you choose a suit, slacks and a blouse or nice shirt, a dress, or dressing up a pair of jeans with a shirt that conveys professionalism, your clothing will be judged and is your first impression. Too stiff and you could communicate that you are trying too hard to impress, and your message might slip through the cracks; while appearing too relaxed could mean your message won’t be taken seriously.  No matter what you wear, wear it with confidence, because the final essential tool for success is:

Your smile. As silly as it sounds, your personality is your biggest sales tool, and if you are personable and friendly, trustworthy and respectful, your message and your pitch will both be well-received. So grab these five (really, six) things, and take your next meeting by storm!
