Five Ways to Improve your Mood FAST!

Today is a Monday and it’s raining here in North Carolina. That’s an instant mood killer in my book. If you’re feeling down, sluggish, or just need to get out of a rut, here are our team’s suggestions for improving your mood FAST:

1. Look at something you love
On my desk at work I make sure to keep photos of my family in clear view. When I’m feeling bummed out, I look over at these photos and they instantly make me feel better. I know that whatever I’m struggling with will be made better by talking to or seeing my family and friends at the end of a long day. It sounds simple, but it works! Woman’s Day even suggests placing happy photos on your fridge. We look at our refrigerators an average of 27 times per day!

2. Get organized
Clutter (literal or figurative) is a surefire way to have you feeling a bit off-track. Getting organized should help to improve your mood. If your kitchen cabinet is disheveled, take 5 minutes to straighten it up. It will stop you from groaning every time you open it! If you’re having trouble sorting out the errands you need to run in your head, jot down a list on a notepad. There’s something about writing it out that can make you feel like your to-do’s are a bit more manageable.

3. Plan something fun
No, you don’t have to go on an elaborate weekend getaway every time you’re in a bad mood. Instead, plan something simple and fun that you can look forward to at the end of a long week.  Here are some suggestions:

  • Farmer’s Market on a Saturday morning
  • Inviting friends over for dinner
  • A trip to the bowling alley (check online for discounts!)
  • Starting a new book or catching up on magazine subscriptions
  • Small home improvement projects (planting flowers, re-arranging a room)

Planning a small activity gives you something to look forward to when you’re in a bad mood. If you are the type to plan big vacations in advance, that’s something to look forward to, too!

4. Watch something funny
The Internet is full of hilarious videos, sure to brighten your mood on a dark day. Our team loves THIS one and THIS one in particular. 🙂

5. Find a fail-safe
When you’re in a bad mood, having an already-established plan of action can help you get to a better mood more quickly. What’s something that never fails to make you smile? Maybe it’s listening to a favorite song, lighting a scented candle, or calling a particular friend. Make sure you have something on hand that you know can cheer you up at all times.

These tips are simple and we know you have some advice of your own! Comment below and tell us how you improve your mood when you’re having a bad day. Here’s to happy days ahead!
