Four Office Organizing Tools that Make a Difference

Owning your own UnFranchise® Business means working from home. Great, right? Though it’s nice to grab breakfast (or lunch!) in the kitchen and walk straight into work, it’s tempting to be less productive when working at home. We’re sharing with you some tools from SHOP.COM that will get your office organized so that you’re working as efficiently as possible:

External Hard Drive
If you’re conducting business on your own, take the time to invest in a moderately sized external hard drive. There’s nothing worse than losing data and important files! Back your computer up regularly to avoid any mishaps. We like this Clickfree model –it’s got plenty of space, offers Cashback, and is available through OneCart™!

Step File
At your desk, there’s a paper trail of documents to keep up with on a daily basis. Small file cabinets are a great idea, especially if they’re fire proof. But what about things you need within arm’s reach? A step file is a great addition to your home office. I have one on my desk with four folders in it. I clean them out each week as I finish current projects. Fellows – one of our OneCart Partners – offers a great step file for under $12!

Make sure you have a colorful array of highlighters at your desk at all times. How can colored ink keep you organized? So glad you asked! Use different colors for different projects, customer profiles, product lines and more! It makes referencing easy, so you can provide better customer service and get through paperwork faster.


Bluetooth Headset
Need to join a conference call but don’t have a landline? Invest in a Bluetooth headset so you can be hands-free during important calls. SHOP.COM has many different varieties.  Having your hands free means you can make follow-up calls while you cook dinner or run errands, without interrupting your tasks. It’s perfect for maximizing your time.


These are four of our favorite office buys, but we want to know: What’s in your office? Have something that keeps you organized? Something you can’t live without? Leave a comment and let us know!
