Four Things You Need for a Successful Shopping Party

They’re mentioned on stage at International Convention and World Conference time and again as a powerful way to grow. They can have a huge impact on online sales, retail profit, and Business Volume. What are they? Shopping parties.

The busiest shopping time of the year is upon us, and there’s no better time to gather your friends, family and customers together and show them how to shop. Shopping parties leverage your time and effort to maximize success. They allow you to show multiple people how to shop on SHOP.COM, earn Cashback, and utilize SHOP.COM’s many features to have fun buying everything they want and need.

There’s no question that shopping parties are a fantastic tool. The real question is: What do you need to successfully throw one?

1. Time. This is one of the most important parts of a successful shopping party. Schedule the event for a reasonable amount of time to accomplish your goals, and answer questions. Be sure to keep demonstrations short so that your guests can get their shopping done. Some of our most successful Shop Consultants recommend that you schedule parties for about two hours.

2. Invitations. Know the audience you’re inviting, and pick the method that works best for them. For example, if you’re throwing a shopping party with younger guests, try making a Facebook event instead of mailing formal invitations. If you’re trying to draw a more traditional crowd, put together some custom invites with ma PrintCenter. You can also use SHOP.COM’s eCards. They bring your potential guests right back to your SHOP.COM portal – before the party even starts! No matter your method of invitation, remember that it’s important that you schedule your event in advance, and get the word out.

3. Laptops, computers or mobile devices.  This one is for your guests! If they’re coming to a shopping party, they need to be ready to get shopping. You should be equipped to guide them through the process of shopping – whether it’s on SHOP.COM or SHOP Mobile – but attendees need to come prepared with a device that allows them to get their shopping done (and allows you to sign them up as a Preferred Customer)! Make sure your invitations tell guests to come prepared with a device that will allow them to shop, as well as ideas of items they’d like to shop for (or shopping lists).

4. Products. Don’t miss out on an opportunity to show your customers the quality products Market America has to offer. If you’re throwing a holiday shopping party, now is the perfect time to share kits, cosmetics and other great gift items off. Your house should already be stocked with positive products to contribute to your Shopping Annuity, but be sure to have products on display that your guests can touch, taste and sample.

Shopping parties are an excellent way to spread the word about your business and pick up more Preferred Customers. Try to keep your shopping parties small and intimate – with 5 to 6 guests – so that you can provide personal attention without being overwhelmed. Make sure you have some testimonials ready.

Have you thrown a shopping party? Share some of your secrets with us!
