Four Things You Should NEVER Leave Home Without

Do you always feel like you’re on the go? As a business owner and entrepreneur, you’re always out of the house for meetings and appointments. Here’s our take on four things you should NEVER leave home without:


Your smartphone. This is a no-brainer! Don’t go anywhere without your smartphone. It is essential for business. Keeping your smartphone by your side means that you’ll always have access to your email, you contacts, the Internet, and a camera. If you’re going on a business trip or to a conference, make sure that you have an extra battery or a plan for charging your phone.

Cash & Change. Though cards are much more prevalent in today’s economy, don’t forget to bring cash and change with you when you leave home! You never know when you’ll need to feed a parking meter or stop by a vending machine (Only if you’ve forgotten your snacks. See below!). It’s a good rule of thumb to keep at least $10 in your wallet and some quarters in your car.

Snacks. No matter how busy you get, don’t forget to eat and stay hydrated during the day. Keep a protein bar or a small bag of pretzels in your purse or briefcase for when you get hungry between meetings. It’s also a good idea to keep a water bottle on hand.

A pen. Black, blue, pink, green… it doesn’t matter what color ink you have as long as you have a pen on hand. Though you can certainly write notes on your phone, it’s a great idea to keep a pen handy in case someone else needs to borrow it! Loaning a pen to a stranger is a great conversation starter. Share a pen, and if you’re crafty, you’ll be sharing your business a short while later!

These are our essentials, but what are yours? We want to know what you refuse to leave home without! Tell us in the comments below!
