Four Tips to get a Conversation Going

As a Market America UnFranchise® Owner, you’re probably anxious to share our business with the world! You can find contacts, potential customers and business partners almost anywhere you go, but finding creative ways to get the conversation flowing is sometimes  a challenge. Do you follow the three foot rule, sharing the business with everyone in close proximity to you? The idea may seem daunting, but here are some tips for making it easier:


Let Them Talk
While you may be excited to jump straight into the business and share all of our wonderful products with a new acquaintance, make sure you allow them the time to talk first. Learning a little bit about someone is definitely an advantage that you can use later, as you relate our business to their specific strengths and weaknesses.

Be Prepared
Once you’ve had the opportunity to mention Market America to someone, they’re going to ask you to explain who we are and what you do. Seasoned business owners have a set dialog that can explain our business in under two minutes! If someone asks you tomorrow, “What is Market America,” are you prepared to explain?

The FORM method is a great way to direct a conversation with a new prospect. It’s easy!

F- Talk about Family
O- Talk about Occupation
R- Talk about what they do for Recreation
M- Talk about Money

This allows you to control the conversation so that it doesn’t jump into business too quickly.

Follow Up
It’s great to hand out business cards to new contacts, but make sure that you get their contact information as well. This allows you to follow up 24-48 hours later to discuss meeting. There’s never an excuse not to follow up, so do it every time!

Think back to the last time you shared Market America with an unfamiliar person. How did it go? Do you have any tips to share for new UnFranchise Business Owners?
