Four Ways to Show Customer Appreciation

Being an entrepreneur isn’t easy! It takes hard work, dedication, and support from loyal friends, family, and customers! Because customers are at the root of what you do as a Shop Consultant, make sure that at all times they know how much they mean to you. Make them feel appreciated! Here are four ways to show you care:



Customer Appreciation Specials
Customers love a good deal – that’s why they’re shopping with you on SHOP.COM to begin with! Every now and then, consider offering a special deal or discount. For example, with Thanksgiving coming up, why not consider offering customers savings on Isotonix Digestive Enzymes? If they’re saving big, they may stock up on some extra bottles and share them at their family get-together. It may initially affect your retail profits, but in the long run, it can pay off big. Your customers will be happy, and you may gain some new ones! Be creative with your specials to give your customers what they really want!

Personalized Follow Up
Follow up is crucial in customer service! The more personalized your follow-up message is, the more your customer will feel appreciated. Make sure to personally thank new customers for their purchase through your SHOP.COM site. This can easily be done with a quick email. For returning/steady customers, consider a telephone call or snail mail note every now and then to thank them for their support. The more time-consuming a follow up is, the more valuable it becomes. Take some time to thank your customers for their support!

EVERYONE loves a product giveaway! If you’re using social media to build your business (and you should be!), consider doing a Facebook or Twitter giveaway. They can be simple and not time consuming at all! Giveaways are a great way to get customer feedback and show that you appreciate them by giving away a product that they love. Do giveaways as frequently or infrequently as you feel comfortable.

Ask for their Opinion
This last suggestion can and should be incorporated into your relationship with your customers all of the time! Get to know them by asking for their thoughts and opinions! When you’re exchange information, you’re  building stronger relationships with your customers. Ask what kind of giveaway they’d like to see. Ask “just for fun “questions about family or holidays or travel. Ask them what makes them feel appreciated! The fact that you value their opinion shows that you appreciate them as customers. Give them the opportunity to speak and begin to see some great results.

Cultivating close relationships with your valued customers helps to build your business in dynamic ways. Make them feel appreciated by incorporating one or more of our examples, or come up with new ways on your own!

What makes you feel appreciated?
