Full Steam Ahead to 2013: What’s On Your Horizon?

Here we are at the end of another year.  As we look back, we can hardly believe how long AND short it’s been. It seems like yesterday that we arrived in Miami for World Conference 2012 and now World Conference 2013 is nearly a month away! At the same time, we added so much to the brand and family this year, creating a stronger bond of success than ever before.

The momentum behind such great strides comes from the dedication and willingness put toward goals. The corporate and executive staff, as well as Independent Shop Consultants around the globe, had specific visions for 2012. With the right amount of action, these visions became a reality!

Step one of making dreams into a reality is the dream. What do you want in your life that is not there right now? Where do you see yourself, or even more important, where do you want to be?


We want you to consider what your goals for your business are and how you plan to accomplish them. We want to help you get there and we’ll be checking back to see where you are later in the year. So, tell us in the comments below: What big dreams do you have for 2013?
