Great Comments!!

Just wanted to share a great letter we received with everyone. It is great to know that everything we are working on is making a difference. Thanks for all the kind words.

Dear MA,

I just want to say thank you for two things!

The first one is the new subscription kits that our new business partners receive when they come into the business. Wow, how professional and it makes us look so good and it is all right there for you. I just met with my doctor who partnered in with us and it is so professional and I am impressed! Thanks so much!

Also, thanks for the preferred customer program and letting our customers get free products when they shop online! This works and we are getting such a great response from our customers and they keep going back for MORE!!! I think you mastered something and you have done it right! I know how hard you guys work and I really appreciate all that you do to make our businesses better so that everyone can succeed!

Thanks so much!

Aubrey Glaskin-Clay

See you in Greensboro!
