Guest Blogger Sarah Rose Stack on Building Your Business with ma WebCenters®

This article has been posted on behalf of guest blogger Sarah Rose Stack, who – along with her husband – has built a successful UnFranchise® Business with the ma WebCenters® Program.

Prospects are everywhere! We all know someone who either owns a local business or is employed by one, and we do business with website prospects every day! Think of all the restaurants you love to eat at, your dentist, hair stylist, or small businesses you shop at frequently. Once you realize how many prospects you already have in your funnel, it’s time to get to work! These are my top 6 tips for creating interest, reaching new customers and gaining referrals with the ma WebCenters® Program!

Be You!
People will buy into you and your belief before they buy into the product.  The way that I talk will be different than the way you talk to your prospects. While the message is the same and we are all striving to be professional, we must remember to “keep it real.”  Think of the last time someone called you up on the phone and read a sales script… it was probably super weird.

Believe in the Product!
Market America has an incredibly high standard of excellence for all of its’ products and services, and ma WebCenters is no exception to that standard! Our product can truly help a small business owner gain control over their Internet presence and help them grow their business. Our clients don’t just get a website; they get an entire online marketing strategy. We have the best product out there and we can really make a difference in the local economy!

When you talk with your prospects, make sure you’re coming from a place of wanting to help them rather than trying to sell them something. Your belief in our product will ultimately influence how you communicate with your prospects, which influences their belief in the product.

Learn the Art of Conversational Marketing!
I don’t believe in using scripts when I talk to my prospects because they sound sterile, but I do believe in having a “conversation outline” to help me get them from point A to an appointment! Here’s the 4-step outline I like to use:

1. Talk about social Stuff: Ask how things have been going.  Be normal.

2. Ask them about work or business: This will help get them talking about their business.

3. Ask about how they advertise: Say “Really? What are you doing for advertising?” to get them talking about how they gain new customers and leads nicely into your next question.

4. Ask if they have a website: This is the magic question, because now you can ask them more questions about their website to keep them talking!

Two Ears.  One Mouth!
It sounds funny to say that we were given two ears and one mouth for a reason, but it’s true! The people who say the least and listen the most are the ones that sell the most! Get your prospects talking, listen to their responses, and then use their responses to form more relevant questions.

If your prospect says “I love my website, but I wish I could update it more often,” don’t rush to tell them how you can help them because you will look like you have a hidden agenda. Instead, ask, “How do you update your site now?” Show them you care and that you’re interested by asking questions that are relevant to your prospect’s responses. The more they talk (and the more you listen), the more reasons you will have to set an appointment with them and seal the deal! Take your time. Listen to your prospects. Set great appointments.

Don’t Wear All The Hats!
We are a partnership: Market America, ma WebCenters and you! We have an entire team of professionals at ma WebCenters ready to support you and your clients. It’s crucial that you leverage this support system and connect the team of professionals with your clients so they can receive the best service possible. For example: I always inform the product specialist (sales team) when I set up an appointment. Once a site is sold, I make a follow up call to edify the design team and customer care team so that my clients know where to get the support they need!

Be a Great Customer Manager!
Learning how to follow up with WebCenters clients is key to building rapport, long lasting clients, referrals and even future ma® business partners. When I follow up with my customers, I don’t try to wow them with “techy” questions. Instead, I ask them about how the product is working for them, or if they’re reaching out to tech support when they need assistance.

When you work to stay in touch with your clients, you build loyalty. Loyal customers are more likely to send you referrals and to do business with you again in the future. And think about this: when you’ve built a relationship with them, that’s when you can ask, “Where do shop online for office supplies for your business?” Then proceed to show them how they can get paid to shop for all their business-supply needs on your SHOP.COM portal!

Now go out and engage your prospects! Ask questions, be you, be genuinely interested in helping them and plug them into the system that can make a positive impact on their businesses!
