How to Build Your Business with Isotonix® Champion Blend Plus

Without a doubt, Isotonix Champion Blend Plus is one of the hottest products of 2012, but is your business properly taking advantage of this opportunity? If you’re working on setting your sights on interested clients, here are a few business building techniques that could turn you into a sales champion:

1)      Utilize Star Power: It’s not a secret Carmelo Anthony is one of the biggest stars of professional basketball right now.  All-Star basketball player Carmelo Anthony wanted to show his support for an advanced nutraceutical made especially for athletes everywhere.   As one of the freshest, most-skilled players around, don’t be afraid to name drop. And be sure to share this great interview from Elite Daily:

2)      Peg Your Client: What is your client’s daily routine like? Do they work out? Do they take a regular jog around their neighborhood? Are they trying to start a new workout routine? Swap stories and get your client talking freely. Starting a business relationship with an organic conversation not only gives you an idea about what kind of products they might be interested in, but it fosters trust and a garneres a lot more of a client’s attention.

3)      Stick to the Facts: If there’s one thing you can count on, it’s that athletes are conscious about their health.  Athletes put their bodies through the ringer every day, and that level of constant activity can take its toll. Physical stress releases free radicals. With its unique antioxidant properties, Isotonix Champion Blend Plus can help minimize oxidative stress to the body. A true athlete will want to keep their body running like a fine-tuned machine, and they’ll want to know exactly what you can offer them.

4)      Don’t Just Target Athletes: You don’t have to be a professional athlete to reap the benefits of Champion Blend Plus. Active people everywhere can treat their bodies. For many, it’s the crash and burn after the workout that keeps them from doing it frequently. Whether your customer is a Weekend Warrior, a dog-walker, a morning jogger or a regular at your gym, Champion Blend Plus can help them power through and reduce muscle fatigue so they can get up and do it again tomorrow.

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With activated B vitamins, Isotonix Champion Blend Plus can help you channel your invigoration and push you to succeed. Help your clients utilize their body like a champion!

Have you used Isotonix Champion Blend Plus to entice new customers? Tell us about it!

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