LinkedIn: Jump in!

Have you created a LinkedIn profile yet? If not, you should consider it. Unlike Facebook or Twitter, LinkedIn is limited to professionals and streamlines networking based on both personal connections, as well as by industry and company. It’s essentially an online resume, and is often one of the first searches performed by a potential employer when researching you as an applicant. With three new users every second, LinkedIn is the sleeping giant of social media and is quickly scrambling to the top of professional users’ daily internet repertoire.

Mashable has provided a fantastic walkthrough to create your profile, and to make those first steps forward in developing your network. We recommend that you use this guide to get started!

Now that you’re all set up and ready to go, you can get networking! One of the best things you can do to build your rapport on LinkedIn is to request recommendations (and don’t forget to provide them to friends/colleagues requesting them of you!). Don’t feel obligated to connect with people you don’t know, and conversely, don’t attempt to connect with people who don’t know you. If in doubt, send a message.

We invite you to visit and follow MarketAmerica on LinkedIn. Connect with us!
