ma Toolbar adds hot deal notifications!

Have you taken a moment and installed the ma Toolbar on your favorite Internet browser? Not only does the ma Toolbar give you access  to your favorite Market America features like:

Soon, you’ll start to receive notifications showcasing some of the latest hot deals that we feel are compelling offers that are available on your web portal.

Anyone that has the ma Toolbar installed can simply click the link within the notification and they will be taken directly to that store’s website. Credit will be assigned back to the person who’s portal they installed the toolbar from.

Check out a few screenshots of the ma Toolbar hot deals notifications in action and let us know what you  think!

ma Toolbar Hot Deals Notification:

ma Toolbar hot deal notifications

Clicking the link takes you right to the Internet retailers website:

Travelocity hot deals from Market America

Have a question on using the ma Toolbar? Send me an email, and include ma Toolbar in the subject line.

Christian Karasiewicz
Internet Marketing and Social Media Manager
