National Conference Call with Dennis Franks Sunday, May 20 @ 8:30 p.m. EDT

Dennis Franks, Executive Vice President and successful UnFranchise® Owner, will discuss how to expand the UnFranchise Business into Mexico and show you how to make your financial goals a reality. Learn what it takes to be successful with your Market America business and have your entire organization and all qualified prospects listen ‘LIVE’ as Dennis shares how to create a plan of action and place yourself on the path of financial success in 2012.

Don’t miss this call that will direct you, your team and prospects to the power building track for 2012 and expanding into Mexico. Now is the time to leverage yourself and the buying power of everyone you know with your SHOP.COM Portal and the millions of products that are easy to order online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with no need to leave your home. Learn from Dennis how to leverage your Web Portal and earn weekly checks from the MPCP. Get ready, get excited, get on this national conference call and get informed and positioned as the Five Star General of Market America, Dennis Franks, leads each of us to a new level of success and expands your business into Mexico.

Sunday night, May 20, 2012 at 8:30 p.m. EDT
1-646-519-5815 pin 1314 #
