A New Year for Conquer Entertainment

This post was submitted by Kirk Aidoo, Field Development Executive for Conquer Entertainment.

Next Year will be another big one for Conquer Entertainment. There will be a new release of the getconquer.com website before the Market America’s 2014 World Conference. There have been some pretty big names that came to the site this year along with new features including dynamic charts and free streaming that make it even easier to discover music.  

That being said, it is important to know that Conquer Entertainment artists are selected exclusively by Certified Artist Developers (CAD’s). A CAD is a qualified business professional that is partnered with SHOP.COM that has taken a certification to help artists implement the UnLabel System. Conquer is hosting a Certified Artist Developer (CAD) Certification Feb 9th and 10th after the 2014 World Conference in Miami.  The cost is $100.00 dollars to attend. Go to marketamericaevents.com  for more info and to register. Have a Safe Holiday and remember to Get Conquer!
