Newly Released Videos for You to Share!

We’re still reeling from the wealth of information that was covered at World Conference the past three days! One of the best features of World Conference and International Convention is the release of new videos that are quick & easy to share with customers. We have the run down of what’s new and available NOW for you to use to build your UnFranchise® Business!

The Lumière de Vie video is a highlight of the weekend, showcasing this incredible new skincare line and its creator, Amber Ridinger:

Other NEW videos for you to share to build your business include:

How to Be a Product of the Product

Motives Watercolors

What’s That? 

How to Do a Home Assessment

TLS Weight Loss Solution Anthem 

Negative Products with JR Ridinger

And don’t forget about the amazing Champion Blend Plus video, showcasing one of our hottest products!

What’s your go-to video to share to get people excited about the business? 
