Organizing Information from International Convention

You spent 4 amazing days in Greensboro, networking until your head was spinning, and cramming so much new information into your brain that you don’t think you can retain one more piece of knowledge! Right? Before you start tackling the business building tactics you learned at the event, we’ve come up with three tips to organize your thoughts and get started on your post-MAIC to do lists! 

Sift Through Your Notes
Whether you scribbled down your ideas on a notepad or a tablet, it’s time to record these in a simple matrix for further reference. Type up your notes and keep them organized by dividing them in three sections: business building tips, enhancements to UnFranchise and SHOP.COM, and etc. If you think you missed important information, you can always take a look at our YouTube channel to watch the presentations and breakouts or download some of the PowerPoints through your UnFranchise account.

Organize Your Business Cards
If you picked up a few business cards while at MAIC, now is the time to reach out about business opportunities and growth. Make a list of contacts and send a short email or LinkedIn invite to each one, personalized with how you met. Then, get the conversation going by offering to share some business best practices with them.

Share Your Knowledge
Don’t keep all this new knowledge to yourself! Schedule out some time in your calendar in the coming weeks to give a presentation on what you learned during MAIC 2013. You can do this face to face or even practice using MeetON to reach a wider audience! Make sure you let everyone know what new enhancements the company has made and what new products are now available. You should also work out a new strategic plan for your downline to move forward with to allow for growth before World Conference in 6 months.

How do you organize your notes after convention? What’s most important for you to get started on once you return home from Greensboro? SHARE your tips with us in the comments below!
