Pinterest Fix! Making sure items you pin link directly back to your portal and not SHOP.COM

Many UFOs are having the same issue: pinning directly from their portal does NOT direct people back to their portal, but to the SHOP.COM site, thus taking away the sale they would have made. This is caused by the fact that the images are not hosted in your portal specifically, but on the SHOP.COM website. As of right now, the fix requires one extra step, but it will ensure that you are credited with each sale made from your Pinterest pins!

To fix the issue, when you pin from your portal, follow these easy steps:

  1. Use the “Pin It!” button installed in your browser*, and select the image of the item you wish to PIN.
  2. PIN the item. Then, click “View my PIN”
  3. Click “EDIT pin”, and manually add your portal information into the link. For example: instead of, you would insert your portal so that the link reads

This should take care of the linking issue and make sure people are visiting YOUR PORTAL from your Pinterest . If you are still having trouble, please let us know!

*This is the quickest and most direct way to PIN from the internet. Find the button here.
