Product Spotlight: Isotonix® OPC-3®

You know it, you love it, you sell it: the Market America brand. Because the ma® brand reaches such a wide range of specialties and diverse consumers, there are so many creative ways to generate sales and expand your customer base. We want you to make the most of all ma products to build your UnFranchise® so you can bring home the BV and enjoy the entrepreneur life.

The social media team presents a new feature on the blog: each week we’ll spotlight oe of our best selling products and individuals making big sales! If your name is at the top, you may get a chance to be featured on the blog to tell us how you use the product to expand your business.

This week’s product: Isotonix® OPC-3 – Single Bottle and our star distributor is Liem Nguyen. Nguyen’s best friend introduced her to Market America while she was working as a nail technician. She had just graduated with a nursing degree at the time but struggled to support her family. Now, she is one of our top sellers for OPC-3® and is sharing her success:

MA: Who are your customers?

LN: My best customers are nail technicians  co-workers and my mother’s co-workers, because they see the benefits that Isotonix OPC-3® has on my mother and me.

MA: What aspects about Isotonix® OPC-3® attract the most customers? What selling points do you use?

LN: The fact that it is an antioxidant. Because my customers and I are faced with many free radicals. I explain how Isotonix® OPC-3® works and how simply giving them a deeper explanation of ways OPC-3 is a free radical scavenger.

I also find that my large customer base depend on follow ups. The closer I am to my customers, the better my business grows.

MA: What types of environments produce the best sales?

LN: Demonstrations at nail salons sell the most products. My team and I conduct demonstrations at local nail salons at the beginning of the week, because that is when their work is slow and they have the time to watch the full demonstration.

MA: How do you convince your customers that Isotonix® is the better way to take your vitamins?

LN: The way that I convince customers that Isotonix® is a better way to take their vitamins is through the delivery system. Demonstrations allow customers to see with their own eyes that how Isotonix® works. We explain how Isotonix® products can help them consume more nutrients because it is absorbed faster than the competitors’ pill form.

MA: Finally, why do YOU love taking Isotonix®?

LN: The reason why I love Isotonix® is because I feel better about myself physically and mentally. I also love Isotonix® because I can help my community by showing others a way to support good health. Market America gave me tools to help others find a way out of their financial difficulties and to greater health. I find that helping people was my ultimate goal.


Was Liem’s experience useful to you? How often do you conduct demonstrations when selling Isotonix®?



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