Product Spotlight: Motives® Luxe Precision Eye Liner

Every year we hear about the most innovative and creative methods for selling ma® products. As a preview to the wealth of information you’ll hear at the 2013 Market America World Conference and to further your continuing success, we bring to you “tips from the top”: a weekly spotlight on which products are selling best and who is making the big sales!

This week’s product Motives® Luxe Precision Eye Liner and our star distributor is Lisa Wun, a Local Coordinator in Northern California who took over her mother’s business last year after her passing. Her mother, Dora Wun was part of Market America for 16 years. Lisa is an Executive Director, on the Advisory Board, as well as part of the Million Dollar Club.

MA: What aspects about Motives® Luxe Precision Eye Liner attract the most customers? What selling points do you use? What do you find they LOVE about Motives® when you show them?

LW: I tell people that I love this new eyeliner I’m using because it’s easy to apply, stays on, and does not smudge or leave you with raccoon eyes at the end of day. I describe it as a soft marker and run it across their hand. I show them how to get a thick and dark liner by pressing down and how to get a finer line by using lighter pressure. I have them blow on their hand to let it dry, then tell them to rub their hand. They see for themselves the liner does not move! I always have one extra liner in my bag and tell them “I just ordered it because I think mine is almost running out. You can take that one first and I’ll order another one for myself.” Simple easy sale!

MA: What types of environments produce the best sales? Parties, events, etc,? What about specific environments and channels, like social media?
LW: I start by giving the eye liners to a few influential gals to try if they like it ask them to spread the word out for me. Whenever there’s a gathering or get together, mention how you love the a certain makeup product (like the eyeliner) and pull it out your make-up bag along with other products (keep your bag simple and clean). Girls will automatically ask you about the other products so it’s very easy and natural to share and sell Motives.

MA: How do you convince that Motives® Luxe Precision Eye Liner is the better quality makeup, that it’s worth ordering rather than going to the store to buy other makeup?

LW: See above, seeing is believing!


MA: Are you going to MAWC2013? Have you ever been to any conferences and conventions? What did you take from those experience?

LW: Yes, I’m going to MAWC 2013. I have been going for a few years and I’ve started bringing my kids so that they can experience and learn what I learn. It’s funny because my daughter, Melissa (14) is in her first year of high school and taking a Leadership class and  told me ‘”a lot of things we are  learning, I’ve already learned from attending Market America conventions and trainings!” It makes you realize that we can apply the things we learn not only to the business but to everyday life no matter what age you are. It empowers you to believe that with this business anything is possible to achieve if you go out to help as many people to be successful.

Was Lisa’s experience useful to you? How often do you conduct demonstrations when selling Motives®?
