Product Spotlight: Snap™ Disinfectant Cleaner

You know it, you love it, you sell it: The ma® brand, reaching across a wide range of specialties and diverse consumers. As JR said at World Conference, in order to be successful in the business, you must be a product of the product – a walking example of how the ma® brand is crafted to perfection for optimal living standards.

This week, Sofia Theologitis shares her success selling Snap™ Disinfectant Cleaner.

 “I have always dreamed of being a boss, free and financially independent. I want nothing more than to be able to help my family with their needs and still having money to help people and animals in need. I feel blessed that I was presented with the Market America opportunity. Market America is such a forward thinking company. I am lucky to be a part of it.”

MA: To whom do you sell Snap™?
ST: Friends, family, and businesses…Everyone needs to clean!

MA: What is the hook, line, and sinker that makes people fall in LOVE with Snap™?
ST: I believe it is the fact that Snap™ products are quality products that are cost efficient due to the multipurpose formulas. You are not limited with Snap™ products. I love doing small demonstrations for people that show what great and effective products Snap™ cleaners are. Once people see with what ease Snap™ products clean they fall in love immediately. I’m lucky because once people see how great Snap™ cleans, it sells itself.

MA: Are there any times or events in a month that provide more opportunity to sell Snap™?
ST: Home product parties are a great way to sell Snap™. When I have friends and/or family over, I have the Snap™ products out, and use them to clean. This gives people the opportunity to ask “What’s that?” 😉

MA: Are there any specific environments that produce the best sales?
ST: I believe any environment can produce sales as everyone needs to clean. Word of mouth works great for me. Although I do not use social media to sell Snap™ I will be looking for ways to incorporate that method in the near future.

MA: Did you go World Conference in Miami? Have you ever gone to the conventions or conferences? What do you learn from them?
ST: Yes I did and yes I have. I always learn that I am blessed to be part of this company. The company is constantly evolving and adapting to the times, expanding our reach, and making it easier and easier for people to succeed. We have to just do it!

MA: Finally, why do you love Snap™?!
ST: I love Snap™ because I no longer have to buy a lot of different products to clean. I have all I need by using the Snap™ products. I fell in love with the ease of cleaning with these products and haven’t stopped bragging since.

How do you use Snap™ to build your business? Do you have any other questions for Sofia? Tell us in the comments below!
