Product Spotlight: TLS® CORE

One week into the TLS® Find Your Fit Challenge, our competitors are confident and feeling great! The TLS® products are available to anyone seeking a healthier lifestyle or desiring to support their weight loss goals.  The top contributing factor to weight loss is a proper diet, which is why this week we are spotlighting one of the most effective weight loss supplements on the market: TLS® CORE.

In a world that supplements obesity, it is important that we supplement ourselves with the right nutrients to maintain a healthy body weight. TLS® CORE is designed to support leptin sensitivity which can reduce hunger and stimulate fat burning, and promote appetite suppression and satiety. *

Leptin is a hormone that regulates energy consumption by reducing our appetite and increase fat burning. Caused by an overconsumption of sugar and calorie dense foods, many people have developed a leptin resistance, meaning their brain does not tell them when to stop eating and it takes longer to feel full.

Insulin is a critical hormone that is triggered by food consumption that triggers fast storage, protein synthesis, and breaks down fat for energy. High levels of sugar and saturated fat consumption lead to insulin resistance, which triggers the body to produce more insulin, thus storing more fat and preventing fat burning.

The ingredients in TLS® CORE, Lepticore, GreenSelect Phytosome, and chromium combine to promote leptin and insulin sensitivity, maintain healthy blood sugar level and blood lipids, support appetite suppression, inhibit the amount of starchy carbohydrates that cause the body to store additional fat, and help stop the body from converting excess carbohydrates into fat. *

TLS® CORE is to be taken twice daily, avoided by pregnant or lactating women. For the best results, take TLS® CORE in combination with TLS® ACTS and TLS® Shakes as part of your weight loss plan.

Do you take or sell TLS® CORE? Why is this product important to you?

•These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.