Recap: Top Blog Posts of 2013

Our social media team dedicates a lot of time to providing blog content that UnFranchise® Owners can use to gain knowledge and grow their business. Writing for this blog is one of the best parts about our jobs! Since the start of the year, we’ve published 736 blog posts and we hope you’ve found them helpful, inspiring, informative, and fun. Here’s a look back at our top 10 blog posts (based on pageviews) of 2013:

10. Five Ways to Promote New Products
We launch new products at least twice a year and 2013 saw not only new products, but entirely new product lines being launched at World Conference and International Convention! This post details a few tips for sharing unfamiliar products with your customers.

9. Questions to Consider Before Starting Your UnFranchise® Business
As you approach new business partners, make sure they’ve taken the time to think through how the UnFranchise® Business will affect them. Are they up for the challenge? Share this blog post with them to make sure!

8. New UnFranchise® Business Presentation Video is Great to Build Business
This year, we launched a new, simplified UBP video for you to share with your team. We also took the longer video and broke it down into smaller segments, to use if you’re focusing on one particular area of the company.

7. Social Media Monday: 10 Things to Stop Doing on Facebook. Right. Now.
Are you committing these social media faux pas? Check this list to make sure your Facebook profile or page is in tip top shape and a clear representation of you and your business. Social media is a powerful business building tool, so use it as such! (We also did a similar post for Twitter.)

6. Lumière de Vie is a Global Success! 
This incredible new skincare line launched in January of this year at World Conference and was made available worldwide in the following weeks and months. This post examines the first 5 products available with the line’s initial launch. Since it’s publish date, 3 additional products (and sample packets!) are now available!

5. NEW YouTube Videos to Build Your UnFranchise Business
International Convention brought the launch of multiple video resources for UnFranchise® Owners to watch and share! One of our favorite videos of the year, the Convert Spending Into Earning video, is included in this roundup – featuring over 10 new videos.

4. Newly Released Videos for You to Share!
It’s clear that you love when we share videos! We’ll make sure to keep doing that in 2014. 🙂  This video roundup features new releases from World Conference, including Lumière de Vie, Motives Watercolors, How to Do a Home Assessment, and more.

3. Five Apps for Photo Editing
Sharing photos became even more important this year, with the major growth of Instagram! This post outlines 5 different mobile applications to help you edit, crop, and perfect your photos before you share them online.

2. Dr. Oz touts skin health benefits of Pycnogenol
Pcynogenol is an ingredient found in several of our Isotonix products (and other product lines as well) and it has received national media attention this year. In January, Dr. Oz discussed the skin health benefits of Pycnogenol in a segment on his show.

1. Amber Ridinger Marries Duane McLaughlin in Puerto Rico!
In one of our favorite moments of 2013, Amber Ridinger and Duane McLaughlin were married in Puerto Rico. The success of this blog posts serves to show that we are not strictly about business here at Market America- we’re truly a family who supports each other through life’s challenges and triumphs.

As we look ahead to 2014 and the future of all of our corporate blogs, let us know in the comments below what kind of posts you’d like to see! What is helpful and interesting to you? What posts could we have done without? Your feedback helps us provide the best content possible!
