Rise to the Challenge for World Conference 2014

The President’s Challenge for World Conference 2014 is happening now and you shouldn’t miss your opportunity to rise to the occasion and secure your spot beside challenge winners in Miami! Winners will be recognized on stage at World Conference, be invited to a special challenge reception, and receive special seating at the event! Here’s what you need to do to complete the challenge:

(JR and President’s Challenge Winner Elizabeth Weber)

1. Personally sponsor six new qualified UnFranchise owners.

2. Two of the six personally sponsored UnFranchise owners must have
personally sponsored two qualified UnFranchise owners.

3. Conduct a Home Advisor Assessment personally and with each of your
personally sponsored UnFranchise owners.

4. Have a minimum of three Preferred Customers on AutoShip. Each of these
three Preferred Customers must have at least one AutoShip order process
during the challenge period.

5. Satisfy the UnFranchise Owner (UFO) criteria or re-qualify as a UFO.

6. Purchase seven tickets to the 2014 World Conference. Note: Ticket
numbers must be documented. Proof of purchase will be required.

7. Create 2,400 BV worth of ma® branded products for personal use and/or
sales. Create 300 IBV for personal use and/or sales.

8. Listen to at least two audios per week from your ma MP4 player. Use the
Audio Curriculum Measuring and Monitoring Worksheet (available in the
UnFranchise Business Account>Downloads>Training). Document the audios
that you listened to.

9. Convert Spending Into Earning by generating a minimum of $1,000 in
products for personal use and/or sales through SHOP.COM or Partner Store

You have until Janaury 3rd to qualify! For more information on the President’s Challenge, please visit your UnFranchise Business account and select the President’s Challenge document under ‘Downloads.’
