Selling Kits: Tips from our Team

If you haven’t pushed kits to your customers this holiday season, you’re missing out on an amazing opportunity to grow your business and earn BV! To help boost your kit sales, we picked two of our favorites for the holiday season to get you started.

During tough economic times, people ask less for extra things they want and more for practical things they need. Use this factor as a tool to leverage your sales by appealing to the practicality of your kits. We chose the TLS® Find Your Fit Kit and the Energy Booster Kit to fit in with the holiday season and New Year.

The TLS® Find Your Fit Kit  comes with two (2) canisters of TLS® Nutrition Shakes (one (1) Chocolate Delight; one (1) Creamy Vanilla); one bottle of Isotonix® Multivitamin (30 servings); and one bottle of TLS® Core. Let people know that you have a great opportunity for them to counter holiday weight gain and kick start their New Year’s resolutions.

Remember how effective testimonials are? Point your customers to the success stories on the TLS website and encourage them to give you their own. There is nothing more valuable to people wanting to get in shape than information on how to bring their goals closer. Take advantage of the great products in the TLS® Find Your Fit Kit to help your customers write their own success stories.

The holidays are filled with fun and celebrating but let’s face it – they’re also exhausting. Spending money, decorating, cooking… the to-do list never ends! Help your customers reach the New Year with the Energy Booster Kit. They’ve never needed the energy more and this will help them start the New Year with a refreshed drive. The Energy Booster Kit comes with IntenseFx™, MochaTonix® Packets, and Isotonix® Activated B-Complex, so you can reassure your customers that they can reenergize using the best products available.

All kits are on sale during the holiday season so it’s a great time for customers to buy.

Have you been promoting kits? What success have you had so far?
